Thursday, January 8, 2015


In life you will need to know the difference between what your light says is truth and what others say is truth. Which direction is right for you and which is not. Your light speaks to you in many ways so you will need to pay attention and feel your way through.

Don't let guilt, pity, habit, hopelessness, doubt, I can't, I don't know, fear, be your guides and make your choices. Take a deep breath, calm yourself,wait, and look for the other choice. For us, fear, frustration and doubt were our guides and made our choices for to long. Now we know to face all these emotions and not let them take us over. Then your light can get through to you and guide you.


#spirituality #wisdom #meditation #SpiritualAwakening #SpiritualHippie #Life #Lifestyles #metaphysics #Hope #faith #SoulSearching #religion #NonReligious #InnerPeace #SpiritualConscious

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