Saturday, January 31, 2015

ONE ! ! !

All of us may seem to be separate and learning different things in life.

 But, in the end we take all that we have learned and go back towards the light to become one again, knowing we were never separate we just forgot. 

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Will Power

Negative behavior, thoughts, emotions are always knocking at your door, asking or forcing you to join.

  Use your will power and choose to resist.


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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Outside versus Inside

Everything on the outside is intended to keep you from looking inward.


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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Finally Meet

When your Light, Body, Mind finally meet and come together to be one, 

then your inward work is done.


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Monday, January 26, 2015

All that is Good

Your Light is the energy behind everything that does no harm to you or others.  

The more you follow all things that are good the stronger this energy gets.


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Friday, January 23, 2015

Leap of Faith

People forget when they take a Leap of Faith to follow their Dreams,

 doors open and people will show up to take you on your Journey.


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Eliminate the emotions behind the thoughts then the thoughts have no power.


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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Answers Instantly

By checking inward it's like the Internet, you can get your answers instantly.  

 Now your Light doesn't have to send a messenger which you may or may not be home for.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Your World

Your light wants you to remember;  you are not here to change the world, you are here to change your  world, 

which means, everything negative you attach yourself to along your path you let go of and go back to being positive, more light.


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I hear people say they enjoy giving, which is true.  My light tells me it's 

the energy behind the giving is what you really enjoy not the deed.


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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Helping You Along

People mistake things that seem bad, such as losing your job or house, but, it's just your light saying it's time to move on you need to be some place else.  

Remember, your light knows you won't volunteer to let go, so sometimes It has to help you let go.


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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Light or Weeds

Your light is your garden and everything that is good about you.  Every good deed, spoken  words, thoughts your light is the energy behind all that is good. Anything else is a weed.  

Take a look at yourself and see what's growing in your garden?  Do you stand in your light or your weeds?  You choose each moment everyday your garden or the weeds.


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Thursday, January 15, 2015


Emotions is the fuel for all thoughts.  The more they take you over makes them stronger and stronger.  All dark emotions must go, they stop your light from shinning.  How do you stop the emotions?  Check inward when it starts to rise in the body.  If it gets to your head 

it now has control over you and you will react.  Don't hold it in, it destroys the body, try to release it without any words.  Next time catch it at the stomach area, your focus inward stops it from rising and makes it weaker and eventually it will be gone.


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The work is inward

When you look inward you are looking for all negative thoughts and emotions.  All this dark stuff is 

poison to your body, mind and light.  Your light says this all has to go.


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Wednesday, January 14, 2015


When someone says I didn't see it coming, it just means they weren't paying attention. Your light is always telling you something. Such

as what to let go of, when to look for a new job, move, sell, buy, where to go, what the lesson is. In any situation in your life look back and see if you can remember the signs that were there but you chose not to listen. Doing this will help you going forward to watch for the signs and this time follow them.


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Darkness leads to destruction to you and everything around you and is a limitation.

Light leads to empowerment, independence, freedom, expansion, no limits.


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Tuesday, January 13, 2015


What is a trigger?  It is a person, place, word, event, trauma, or object that you tell your mind to remember this moment, you will also attach a feeling with it.  So what's the point of the trigger? Your light is saying it's time to let go of this, so it will send someone in to pull the trigger to show you how you react and if you are still carrying that moment.   Your light sees this as 

 an opportunity to not react and let go.  So at that moment you have a choice, did I react the same or did I let go?  Why does it keep coming around?  It's a test to see if you really let go or if you are continuing to carry it and make it bigger.  You will be tested until you have mastered it.  How do I know if I have mastered it?  When you have no reaction and it doesn't pull you back into that moment anymore.  Then your light knows you are free.  This will happen in every aspect of your life, work, family, relationships, beliefs, so being aware and knowing the point of the triggers is the key to change.


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Friday, January 9, 2015

Alive or Asleep?

You can choose to be you and live as you were intended or, the plan society has, or what someone else wants for you.

At some point in life you need to look and see who's plan you are following and who you have become. We have found when you are the true you and live your plan it's fulfilling, independent, meaningful, awake, expanding and feels like you are alive. The other options are the opposite.

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Searching For

All people really want is to be loved, accepted, an valued. We search outwardly for

all only to find it doesn't last and has conditions attached. Your light says inward is where you will find all of this and more, all the time unconditionally and it's free.


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Peace and Calm

When you have no thoughts or emotions you are in your peace and calm space.  
Stay here as long as you can and enjoy the feeling.

The longer you can stay here the stronger the energy becomes.
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Thursday, January 8, 2015


All of us may seem to be separate and learning different things in life. But,


in the end we take all that we have learned and go back towards the light to become one again, knowing we were never separate we just forgot.


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What is your light?

Your light is your power; it's what you are searching for in life.

Inward is where you will find it.
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Your light only wants to know and understand the dark path.

It doesn't want you to become or be the dark.

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Guiding and Supporting

We hope to put you on your path of light instead of the path of darkness.

 If you are already on the light path we encourage you to continue 
and when the time is right share what you have learned.
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You choose, Light or Dark?

Stop sharing and expanding the dark side of you.

Instead, share and expand the light side of you.
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Keeping it short.

All this we are sharing is what we have learned over the years and know to be true. We are giving you the CliffsNotes of our understandings.

Take what speaks to you and come back as often as you like.
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Answers to your questions...

What do we change? The dark stuff you carry. How do we change? 
Through awareness and understanding. Why does your light want to change?

To shine more light, and bring you back Home.
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When you learn something in life ....

When you learn something in life then you understand
and when you understand you can change.

Every change moves you towards your light.
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"There is a Plan for You."

You know the outline and the details come later.  

Follow Your Plan!
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Follow Your Dreams ....

FOLLOW Your Dreams,

It's the first step in believing in yourself.

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"You Are The Gift"

You have the Talent that you are the Master of.
Your Talent connects you to your Light.

Your Light shines through your Talent.


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Your Light Matters in the World!

When you shine your light you show the world what's possible,

and you teach us what we need to change.
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In life you will need to know the difference between what your light says is truth and what others say is truth. Which direction is right for you and which is not. Your light speaks to you in many ways so you will need to pay attention and feel your way through.

Don't let guilt, pity, habit, hopelessness, doubt, I can't, I don't know, fear, be your guides and make your choices. Take a deep breath, calm yourself,wait, and look for the other choice. For us, fear, frustration and doubt were our guides and made our choices for to long. Now we know to face all these emotions and not let them take us over. Then your light can get through to you and guide you.


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What You create....

Everything you attach yourself to such as; thoughts, beliefs, habits, routines, intentions, behaviors, past traumas, events, and what you focus on, is what creates your world and keeps you there.  

You need to look inward to see what you are about to create. The things you create will be real and come true. You can change it by letting go. To let go you will have to face and detach yourself from what causes you and others pain and suffering. Then replace it with what gives you more joy and happiness, your light.
