Tuesday, August 30, 2016

These Block the Flow of your Light if You Attach yourself to them

Doubt and Frustration are feelings that show up in certain moments for each in Life.  They are Not  Higher Energies they are Lower.  

So Don't Use them or Let them take You over, Focus Inward in these moments to Defeat them.


Sunday, August 28, 2016

If You Don't Believe, it means it Will Not Exist for YOU

You can create anything in Life as long You have Not Attached yourself to Ideas, Beliefs or Behaviors that say otherwise. 

 What You Believe In will become True, be it a "Light" or "Dark" idea.  Choose wisely on your path in Life.


Monday, August 22, 2016

This is the Way Out

Do Not Use or Speak Lower Energies
Do Not Follow or Listen to Lower Energies
Do Not Create or Visualize Being and Becoming the Lower Energies


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

We have Different View Points to Understand and Master

You are to Understand and make peace with the perspective You have been given in Life, this IS the Lesson or Task to Master.  

Do Not get Drawn in or Stuck on the outward appearance, for that is the distraction not the point.


Friday, August 12, 2016

They show up to Draw You In

As thoughts or words flow into your mind You need to know which ones to attach to and those Not to.  By paying attention You can Discern between the Negative or Positive ones as they appear.

  Let the Negative ones pass by, give them no time or focus.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Most will Resist Awareness

If You are "Unaware" You cannot  change, it is when You become Aware change can occur. 

Listen to those that Identify your Habits, Behaviors, Ideas and Beliefs that need your Awareness.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Outside was Practice, Inward is the Real Work to be Done

If You can Identify and Feel  the "Light" in Others, the Next step is to Identify and Feel the "Light" in You.


Monday, August 8, 2016

Break the Cycle and Look Inward

When "Discouragement" shows up, some will use it as a Reason to give up, Others will let it take them over and the cycle will continue.  

When in theses moments You must Focus your Attention Inward to Defeat it and Break the Cycle.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Observe and Feel in these Moments

Authentic Kindness is an Empowering experience unlike an Empty Kindness that Takes or is Meaningless. 

 Both do exist, one is more common than the other.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Just a Reminder

Get in the Behavior of Focusing your Attention Inward in Every moment, for this IS what's needed when your Buttons get pushed to Defeat the Energy that is rising within You before it gets to your head.

  If the Energy reaches your head it has control of You, just release it but Not unto others.


Monday, August 1, 2016

There will come a time when You just Know

When You "FULLY" understand the Wisdom given, an Experience is Not needed on any Topic.
