Saturday, May 28, 2016

This Stops the Flow

"Doubt" dissolves what You Believe in including yourself.  Don't get started on this habit, if You have it's time for You to Stop.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

There is Always Support

If You have no Support or Help in your Inner Circle of people Know there IS on the Outer Circle, Don't let Fear keep You from seeking it.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

We all have the Gift of Identifying what We need to Fix

When You can List your "Pet Peeves" You are Identifying what You need to Look at and Change.  

Don't get Stuck on Identifying move on to the next step of Letting Go of these attachments and energies.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What do You Live and Share?

If We All Lived and Shared our "True Nature" with each other in Life there would be No Violence, Hunger, Un-Acceptance to name a few of the many benefits.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Integration is the Path of "Light"

When You Embrace an Outcast, Opposite or Indifferent part, to your "Light" this is integration, becoming Whole and Empowerment.

  Integration is inevitable, resisting is futile, just so You know.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Stand Up for Yourself

Your  "Light" wants You to be your True Self and stay in your Highest Energies. 

This is what You Stand Up for in Life when All Negative energies tempt You on Your Path.


Monday, May 9, 2016

No Exceptions

Your full potential is in the Higher energies.  As long as You participate in the Lower Ideas and Beliefs your full potential will elude You.  

You must transform yourself from the Lower to the Higher ways of being.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Surface changes are only an Illusion

Things in Life don't change until the perspective changes.  Then and only then a shift occurs.


Monday, May 2, 2016

Your True Nature Can Take it Away

If You have a negative energy You can't shake, take a walk in Nature, Watch a comedy or do a Good Deed for someone. 

 These All will take this lower energy away and your higher energy will return.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

You can Tear it Down and Rebuild

Everyone will build a Defense, have self Imposed Rules thinking this is how You handle future events based on the Past events.  But it is a personal Prison that is being built, as time goes on more Rules are implemented. 

 Before You know it the walls are closing in on your world and You are Living Less and Less because the Rules won't allow it.  If You are too deep You will need help to get out.  If You are not You can get out yourself.  Being Aware and Knowledge of what to look for is the keys to getting out of Prison.
