Sunday, January 31, 2016

Societies Version is an Illusion

Love is Not an Object or an "Idea", it is a Feeling or Energy that comes from Within You. 

 This Feeling requires No Title, if one is given the Truth will be Changed.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Your Awareness and Change will stop the Earthquakes

If You can't see what You need to Change, an Event will come about to help You See Clearly.

  If another Event is required for You to achieve Clarity, it will be a Stronger Earthquake than the last, So Brace Yourself.


Our Forefathers say to the Elected Ones

It reads, "WE THE PEOPLE", 
"Me, my Family, Friends and top Sponsors First". 

 It seems the Elected ones may have changed their allegiance, for their Words and Actions Differ, a sign of Deception.  Their Action is where the truth lies.


Friday, January 29, 2016

Remember Greed has No Shame

Our Excessive Consuming gives power to and promotes excessive Greed.  Once Greed is Tasted by Any Group or Individual, Greed will Pray on You for more, their methods used are Creative and Limitless. 

 By Reducing your consuming habits You regain Your Power.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Look for Them

When You can see the Synchronicities in Life it's your "Light" showing you How it's done.  

It's only the beginning there's more to come.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

We have a History of Destroying what we Don't Understand

Nature has Many Gifts for Us and is a Great Teacher.  To Destroy it means we are Eliminating a Master.


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Remember, it is the Understanding that You Seek

To Fully Value your "True Nature" You must Understand and Embrace their Opposites.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

A message from the Forefathers

It has been far to long and the people have forgotten, but the Forefathers Know things have gone rotten.  We are rolling over in our graves as Each Law that passes Takes the People's Rights and Power Away by the masses.  The People are told it is for the good of the Whole, when the Forefathers know it is a method used to Give Full Control to just a Few then Legally use and Abuse All, as they so choose.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Not All Wayshowers are at the Same Level

An advanced Master of Light lives Simple, Not Lavishly.  Will serve You, Not You serve them.  Will show You How to Empower You, Not Take your Power.  Will Share with You, Not Want from You.  

Most importantly, Will Never be Above Any Being, always an Equal, therefore Bowing Down to or Worshiping will Not be Asked of You or Allowed.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Trust and Pay Attention

Following your "Light" is like a Magic Carpet Ride, always Surprising, Fun and will guide You pass the Land Mines on your Path. 

 However if it is an opportunity to change You, your "Light" will guide You to the least impact option to take for the opportunity at hand.  Stay in your Peace and Calm space to receive your direction in these moments.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

See the Wisdom and Skip some Steps

To be Honored or Valued in Life Most will seek this Outwardly in the form of Words, Titles or Trophies. 

 Once acquired some will Learn these were Not Needed or the goal, the lesson was for You to Honor and Value You all along.


Sunday, January 17, 2016

If You are Asleep this is a Clever Method If You are Awake it Does Not Fool You

Teasing is a method in which to Release the Truth and Call it something different.  You will find other methods used to do the same Behavior on your Path. 

 Pay Attention to be able to Discern what's in front of You.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

"Forgiving" is Our True Nature "Unforgiving" Holds Us Back

We are Not supposed to Carry or Keep Pain and Suffering, we are to Let it All Go.
Forgiving will help You Do It.  Use it Generously, it's not something someone can do for You, You must do it for yourself, no permission is needed to use it.  

Why do this?  Pain and Suffering is a lower energy and destroys You and Others.  Clean this out and a Higher energy takes it place should You Choose.


Friday, January 15, 2016

One is Phony One is Not

A "Light" response is Very different than a Correct response. 

 The more Awake You become You will be able to discern the difference, don't let this gift slip away.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Watch out for This

You will see "Guilt" used sometimes on your Path.  The intentions behind this method is to get Control of You and/or Wants something from You.

This Is Not a "Light" behavior, therefore it Does Not Empower You, it Takes from You.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

This too Is Possible

Ascension is when your Lights Energy is Fully released from within and Fills Your Body And Mind Completely.  Currently we all are only on life support from our Light. 

When this change occurs We will Know and Feel a Big difference.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

This is How your "Light" sees it and so should You

A Loss is only a Loss If You learn nothing or Change nothing, otherwise it Is a Victory.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Your Dream or Someone Else's?

To Live Life on Purpose is Far More Meaningful than to Live Life as Expected.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

History will Repeat itself using Today's Methods

The more Technology is in control at some point it Can and Will be Used Against All Beings if we don't keep the mindset controlling the technology in check.


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Letting Go of Control is a hard one for Most

When You walk In the Path of "Light" it is an "Unconditional" way of Being.  Having Time Limits is a "Condition" the Path will remind You to Let Go of your Control and All Conditions.

  Here's where most will lose interest and walk another Path for more Understanding is Needed only to Return later.


Friday, January 8, 2016

The Good News is You Will Learn It

How Each chooses to See Life is the Path They shall walk.  The more difficult perspective You Choose will give You Understanding to the topic You desire faster, but the level of intensity is underestimated by most on this fast track. 

 Also, all the variables can never be accounted for should You think You can.


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Can't Hold Back, Times Up

 The Energy that is around us now is making it more difficult to deceive or hold back what We try so dearly to hide for all not to see.

 Pay attention and You will see it everywhere for Truth is in the air for All not just some.  Being aware will help You move through it.


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

There is a Big Gap

For most, the Higher You climb the Corporate ladder the More Disconnected You become from the Collective.  

Know there is always a way back but You must Want it more than the Carrots being dangled.


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Put Your Faith In You

Trust and Believe in yourself and no other for they must do the same for themselves.


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Bait and Switch

 When You offer an Outward Physical illusion to Another they will acquire it like a trophy. They will eventually Loose Interest and move on.  This is a Behavior practiced by Many in Life.

It is only a Surface attraction, You must move past this to see clearly, otherwise pain and suffering will occur.


Friday, January 1, 2016

Let it Unfold

"Light" Information is simple and needs no Interrupter.  If You are receiving this information from Within You, Wisdom comes with it.  

Another Perk when You go Within and Reconnect.
