Thursday, December 15, 2016

Don't let go of these

Positive Imagination and Creativity are Your Greatest Assets NEVER stop or give them up on Your path.


Saturday, October 29, 2016

We are to Unite and Be Equal

Descriptive words are not used by your "Light", for they Divide, Separate and Label which is the Opposite of Becoming One.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Free to Be

When You don't need to be anywhere, this is a moment of Being Free, FEEL IT and allow yourself to have more.


Saturday, September 24, 2016

All must be Open

People from your Past will not see You as You are Today.  They will only see You as You were when They Judged and Labeled back then.  

Those wanting to change a past Label will find it difficult, for each involved must be willing and open to change what was, not just You.


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Confidence is a Feeling that comes from Within You

Attaching your Confidence outside of You is an Illusion and Misplaced.  You must be Confident in Yourself in All areas and All moments High to Low in Life not just sometimes.

  The lessons will continue until this has been achieved.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Steps get Better as You Move On

There is a Big Difference when your "Light" brings their plan TO You rather than when You try to Manifest or Create things to Come to You in Life.  The first one is Far more of a WOW experience than the Latter, and your "Light's" way will show You how Limited You are in your way of creating.  

Bring their Plan TO You is the next step, don't get stuck on the Latter.


Sunday, September 4, 2016

You are Stuck and Can't See It

When You accuse another of Not listening, it means it is You who is Not listening to the messenger in Life that is Showing You a way Out of your perpetual state.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

These Block the Flow of your Light if You Attach yourself to them

Doubt and Frustration are feelings that show up in certain moments for each in Life.  They are Not  Higher Energies they are Lower.  

So Don't Use them or Let them take You over, Focus Inward in these moments to Defeat them.


Sunday, August 28, 2016

If You Don't Believe, it means it Will Not Exist for YOU

You can create anything in Life as long You have Not Attached yourself to Ideas, Beliefs or Behaviors that say otherwise. 

 What You Believe In will become True, be it a "Light" or "Dark" idea.  Choose wisely on your path in Life.


Monday, August 22, 2016

This is the Way Out

Do Not Use or Speak Lower Energies
Do Not Follow or Listen to Lower Energies
Do Not Create or Visualize Being and Becoming the Lower Energies


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

We have Different View Points to Understand and Master

You are to Understand and make peace with the perspective You have been given in Life, this IS the Lesson or Task to Master.  

Do Not get Drawn in or Stuck on the outward appearance, for that is the distraction not the point.


Friday, August 12, 2016

They show up to Draw You In

As thoughts or words flow into your mind You need to know which ones to attach to and those Not to.  By paying attention You can Discern between the Negative or Positive ones as they appear.

  Let the Negative ones pass by, give them no time or focus.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Most will Resist Awareness

If You are "Unaware" You cannot  change, it is when You become Aware change can occur. 

Listen to those that Identify your Habits, Behaviors, Ideas and Beliefs that need your Awareness.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Outside was Practice, Inward is the Real Work to be Done

If You can Identify and Feel  the "Light" in Others, the Next step is to Identify and Feel the "Light" in You.


Monday, August 8, 2016

Break the Cycle and Look Inward

When "Discouragement" shows up, some will use it as a Reason to give up, Others will let it take them over and the cycle will continue.  

When in theses moments You must Focus your Attention Inward to Defeat it and Break the Cycle.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Observe and Feel in these Moments

Authentic Kindness is an Empowering experience unlike an Empty Kindness that Takes or is Meaningless. 

 Both do exist, one is more common than the other.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Just a Reminder

Get in the Behavior of Focusing your Attention Inward in Every moment, for this IS what's needed when your Buttons get pushed to Defeat the Energy that is rising within You before it gets to your head.

  If the Energy reaches your head it has control of You, just release it but Not unto others.


Monday, August 1, 2016

There will come a time when You just Know

When You "FULLY" understand the Wisdom given, an Experience is Not needed on any Topic.


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Things Are Not Random in Life

Anything introduced on your Path will be experienced at some point unless it is already Mastered.  

Your Reaction or Response will tell You if it is Mastered or a Lesson is needed to complete the Mastership.


Friday, July 22, 2016

What gets Stronger is "Resistance"

If You continue to DO the Same things in Life, no New Experiences will be Allowed.  If You are at this stage, "Change" gets Weaker or Nonexistent and "Resistance" gets Stronger.

  Embrace those that Introduce Change and/ or a different Way of Being.  This is a Way Out of this Behavior.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Do the Work, Keep Going and Trust it Will Show Up

If a Lesson shows up instead of what You are manifesting or desire in Life, it means what's in the Lesson is Blocking the Flow of the item. 

 You must complete and let go of this Layer, Don't get discouraged if there are More Layers to clear before the item appears.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Don't let your Mind take You there

If You "Miss" things in Life, it means You are Not Enjoying the Moment You are In.  

Your Awareness will bring You Back into the Now.


Monday, June 27, 2016

Free eBook - Self Love Self Esteem...

Self Love Self Esteem - You Are The Gift "Value You!"

Life choices, Understanding and clarity to enhance and expand the life experience. Free download, Power-Book 4 from the series of 4.
Wisdom,Understanding,Self Help,Personal Growth
eBook Title: Self Love Self Esteem - You Are The Gift, "Value You!" - Assembled by the "uS" Project and Ask Lucy
Self Love Self Esteem...  <<<---- Click here for your Free eBook.

Free eBook - Understanding The Game Of Life...

Understanding The Game Of Life "100 Life Tips" - 

Self Help For Personal Growth

Life choices, Understanding and clarity to enhance and expand the life experience. Free download, Power-Book 3 from the series of 4.
Wisdom,Understanding,Self Help,Personal Growth
eBook Title: Understanding The Game Of Life "100 Life Tips" - Self Help for Personal Growth - Assembled by the "uS" Project and Ask Lucy
Understanding The Game Of Life... <<<--- Click here for your Free eBook.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Free eBook - Wisdom Guide To True Freedom...

Wisdom - The Guide To True Freedom - "100 Life Tips"

Life choices, Understanding and clarity to enhance and expand the life experience.   Free download, Power-Book 2 from the series of 4.
Wisdom,Understanding,self help,personal growth
eBook Title: Wisdom - The Guide to True Freedom, "100 Life Tips" - Assembled by the "uS" Project and Ask Lucy

Wisdom Guide To True Freedom... Click here for your Free eBook.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Free eBook - Self Improvement Guide...

The Self Improvement Guide - 100 Tips For "Boosting Your Quality Of Life"

Hello Everyone,
We have assembled these 400 plus special messages into 4 PDF eBooks for sharing.  This is the first eBook in the Power-Book series.  The title of this Power-Book is The Self Improvement Guide - 100 Tip for "Boosting Your Quality Of Life"; by the "uS" Group  and "Ask Lucy".  As of today you may download the power-book for free and share it with friends and family. We have used each of the messages we post in our personal life with magical results at times, we call it waking-the-talk. Transformation is subtle, painless, and comes effortlessly and with just a little practice and patience you can help yourself and all those around you find happiness, clarity and a higher level of understanding of life.
description Wisdom & Understanding bein Shared
eBook Title: The Self Improvement Guide - 100 Tips for "Boosting Your Quality of Life" By the "uS" Project and Ask Lucy
The Self Improvement Guide... Click here for your Free eBook.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

This Is the challenge in the Low and Negative Moments

Do your "Best" means; use your Highest Energies, Best Words and Actions in Every moment to ALL Beings in Life.  

See if You can do this when your "Buttons" get pushed, it is a Choice even in those moments.


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Don't Miss the Opportunity to Change

Some will treat a stranger Far Better than those close to them.  What is Given to the Stranger IS what must be Given to those close to You.  

This is the Lesson for those involved to See and Change.


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Take a Look at your Reasons

I am who I am, but am I who I should be?  If I am not, then what reasons have I attached myself to that stops me? 

 Reasons Keep You on the same step and/ or in the past, which means You are Not Evolving or Moving-on to the next Step in Life.  Don't get Stuck, Move On.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

This Stops the Flow

"Doubt" dissolves what You Believe in including yourself.  Don't get started on this habit, if You have it's time for You to Stop.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

There is Always Support

If You have no Support or Help in your Inner Circle of people Know there IS on the Outer Circle, Don't let Fear keep You from seeking it.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

We all have the Gift of Identifying what We need to Fix

When You can List your "Pet Peeves" You are Identifying what You need to Look at and Change.  

Don't get Stuck on Identifying move on to the next step of Letting Go of these attachments and energies.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

What do You Live and Share?

If We All Lived and Shared our "True Nature" with each other in Life there would be No Violence, Hunger, Un-Acceptance to name a few of the many benefits.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Integration is the Path of "Light"

When You Embrace an Outcast, Opposite or Indifferent part, to your "Light" this is integration, becoming Whole and Empowerment.

  Integration is inevitable, resisting is futile, just so You know.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Stand Up for Yourself

Your  "Light" wants You to be your True Self and stay in your Highest Energies. 

This is what You Stand Up for in Life when All Negative energies tempt You on Your Path.


Monday, May 9, 2016

No Exceptions

Your full potential is in the Higher energies.  As long as You participate in the Lower Ideas and Beliefs your full potential will elude You.  

You must transform yourself from the Lower to the Higher ways of being.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Surface changes are only an Illusion

Things in Life don't change until the perspective changes.  Then and only then a shift occurs.


Monday, May 2, 2016

Your True Nature Can Take it Away

If You have a negative energy You can't shake, take a walk in Nature, Watch a comedy or do a Good Deed for someone. 

 These All will take this lower energy away and your higher energy will return.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

You can Tear it Down and Rebuild

Everyone will build a Defense, have self Imposed Rules thinking this is how You handle future events based on the Past events.  But it is a personal Prison that is being built, as time goes on more Rules are implemented. 

 Before You know it the walls are closing in on your world and You are Living Less and Less because the Rules won't allow it.  If You are too deep You will need help to get out.  If You are not You can get out yourself.  Being Aware and Knowledge of what to look for is the keys to getting out of Prison.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Shine your Light INWARD on your Darkness

Time to put your FOCUS INWARD to expose and eliminate the darkness You carry.  We all have negative energies we have attached ourselves to and spread whether we speak them or not, they still get released. 

Your Focus is your POWER to defeat these energies when they show up within You, they can Not Survive your Focus. This is what is meant by "Shine your Light on the Darkness".


Friday, April 22, 2016

You are the Cure

Your body will show You where the Negative Energies have done and are doing their damage.  Some of the signs are, Aches, Diseases and Pains, the cause is Anger, Stress, Fear, Hatred which are the Popular ones but there are more.  

Your choice to Continue or Stop.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Share your Gift with Others

Your spiritual Gift when given out to Others is a Wealth that Gives a return Unlike any other.  If You Don't share with others the Wealth can Not Return to You.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

One of the Best Gifts

Master "Listening" and "Observing" You will recognize Phony instantly, as well as understanding what's next for You in Life.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

More than One Way it can be Used

How we use our sexual energy today is one way, but there is another way it can be used.  You can make it rise up the body to your head by visualizing it rising at first then just by willing it to move works also.  

By doing this the bliss feeling will stay a lot longer and your Whole body is totally energized.  This may take some practice because of old habits but it's worth the effort.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Inward is the Pot of Gold

There is a Limitless Treasure that is yet to be awaken within You.  What You read about or see others Do, so can You. 

 What Limits these possibilities is You when You say No.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Something I have Learned and Still Use

Your  "Light" sometimes will speak to You in Symbols.  This means You need to develop a Symbols vocabulary that has meaning for You. 

 Next, your "Light" will use these Symbols and send a message that You can translate.  Best to have a wide vocabulary.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Take a Look and see what do You Want from Others?

What You want from others is what You must give to yourself.  Example; You want people to Respect You.  The lesson here is for You to Respect You not getting it from others.  

It is that simple or You can go through the Pain and Suffering to arrive at this same Understanding, your choice. 


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Life will give You the Signs

To your "Light" being Vulnerable is Following the Unknown, relinquishing your Control and pursuing your passion.  We all will do exactly that at some point on our Path.

  Best not to resist when the Time comes for You to be Vulnerable, look for the signs sometimes they are obvious sometimes not.


Friday, April 8, 2016

Be Like the Master

Students will be one-sided and "Defend", Masters are "Balanced " and can render a solution.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Take a Look at You and See

If You have placed Limitations on what You can Enjoy in Life it's time to Expand your Enjoyment to include All.  Enjoyment is not to be limited it is to be contagious.

True Enjoyment needs no chemical to get there.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

This Is Not Strength it is Destruction

Each Tyrant in the past has shown what Anyone Can Become or is Capable of If their Negative Mindset goes Uncorrected when given Power and/or Wealth over others.  

The same is true even without power or wealth, this Negative energy can do the unthinkable at any level when it takes control.
