Thursday, December 31, 2015

Doors will Open

You need to Turn the Page on what You Already Know and Go Find what Else is Waiting for You.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Monday, December 28, 2015

Saturday, December 26, 2015

What are You Giving your Energy to?

When You attach yourself to an "Idea" or "Belief" it means You Will be giving away Your Energy to Empower Those "Ideas" and "Beliefs" If they are Not Ones that Evolve You. 

 This is what is meant by "Giving Your Power Away".


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Another Free Gift

"Light" Information is always flowing and is Not Exclusive. You just need to have No Thoughts or Feelings to tune in.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

All Kinds of Gifts

If You Feel uneasy around some and Your not sure what it is,You are sensing their Dark Intentions even though they are hiding behind thoughtful words. 

 This is a Gift that is Invaluable so Practice and evolve this Gift.


Friday, December 18, 2015

Attachments be it Emotions, anything Physical or Mental

When You fully Understand "Attachments in All Forms", then the Game Of Life is easy.

You must Discover yours as they All play out for You on your Path.  Once You Identify them, then You must Change them if they are Not of "Light".


Thursday, December 17, 2015

We Have Forgotten

To say I cannot serve You unless You serve us Is Not your True Nature of Service.  To Not feed another when You Can or To Not Heal another when You Can is a Crime Against All Beings.  

Practicing this "Idea" Is Not the Path of Light.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Your Light Knows when It's Time

Your "Light" will give You your Gifts when You have a Mindset that is Worthy to receive them.


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Work is Required but You can Do This

In Life You can choose to Evolve You to Self Empowerment which is True Freedom.  

Everything else is the Opposite which means very little to no freedom for You, this is what is meant by selling your Soul.


Monday, December 14, 2015

A Fragmented Self is Waiting for You to Embrace Them

You must integrate that what you dislike, because it is the one that taught You what You Know today.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

You Get to Choose the Method that will Help You Change You

Your "Feelings" are being Shown to You for You to Fix. 

 Blaming Others for How You Feel is Not a Fix it is Only Adding another Layer.


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Inequality Divides Us, Equality Unites Us

When We No longer "Fear" each other everything else Will Drop Away.  

"Fear" is what we must Eliminate.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Your "Light" decides what needs to be Changed

Becoming Your Light means; You will have to Look at and Change All that Does Not serve Your Light.  Sounds easy, but Old Habits, Behaviors, Experiences, Beliefs and the Mind can be a Challenge to let go of or break.

  Most will Give Up Few will Persevere.  Great things await You if You Do the Work.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Just Passing Through

The thought,"In this World but Not Of It", means You understand this is just a place for You to Create and Learn and It Doesn't End Here, You move on to the next Level.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Your View is Different Than Your "Lights" View for You in Life

Things In Life don't always come to You "When" You Want or in the "Way" You Want.  Why?

  It's the beginning stages of helping You let go of Controlling your Life and move You to a Different way of Being.


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Things Will Come and Go

As You change and Remodel Your way of Being, people, places and old ways of Life Will Drop Away to end the Understanding.  All New people and places will show up to help you on the Next Understanding.  

Don't get comfortable because the Remodeling will continue, as well as Life Understandings will continue to Change.


Friday, December 4, 2015

To Help Change a Belief You Must Show It Exsits

Those that Need the Most Compassion or Kindness need an Abundance of these given to them.  Why? 

 Because they Don't believe they Exist.  So shine your "Light" in these moments.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Information Will Come Quick

To be Guided by your "Light" You must be in your Peace and Calm space within to be able to Know your next move. 

 How the information arrives will vary so pay attention.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

When You Un-Busy Yourself You Can put the Pieces Together

Life as we currently are living leaves No time for You to step Into your "Light" and Evolve You.  

This You must change and Make More time available for You to Change You.
