Monday, November 23, 2015

Turning the Heat Up is Needed to Help You Let Go

Because we Hold on to Some Life Experiences and either Can't or Won't Let Go or Forgive them, Life Will turn the Heat Up in these Experiences Until You Do.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

This Is How We as a Whole Do It

Uniting, Coming Together and We Stand as One, Must All Be in Peace then We are on the Light Path as a Whole.


Friday, November 20, 2015

These Behaviors Will do A Lot of Damage to You and Others

When these Behaviors cross your Path, "Yelling and Arguing", Dark Energies are being used and Released. 

 No "Light" energy is participating here and neither should You, if You can, Walk Away.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

It's All about the Energies You Use

"Dark" energies have No Boundaries they want to be used in Everything You say and Do in Life as long as You allow them to rise within you, take You over and be released to others.  

"Light" energies only follow your True Nature they Will Never give Life To or be Behind Anything That does Harm to You or Others. Understand the difference and Know Both are Within You.


Monday, November 16, 2015

Getting Back On Track

Most are trying to Hold On to Society's Dream when it's Time to Let Go of this "Idea", there is Another "Idea" emerging where Everyone Wins not just a few.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

This Is Everywhere

Labeling Things in Life will take on a Life of its own and will be In Control of You as it works its way to every area of your Life.  It always start small like one or two things, then it Evolves to You no longer Like All under that Label.  

By doing this behavior you are not Expanding in Life You are creating Limitations and Life Is Not New everyday but is a Repeat.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

You Are The Source

Happiness or Joy to name a few, are Energies that are Within You.  Each of Us will have a Trigger or Buttons in Life that will release the Feeling.  Most will attach themselves to the Person, Place Or Thing that Pushed the Button thinking this is What or How You get Happiness or Joy. 

 The Buttons were intended to Remind You of the Feeling and Where You Go to Find It, Within You Not on The Outside.  Don't attach Yourself to the Messenger or Button, Attach yourself to You and Find It Within.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

You Are To Stop The Behavior Not Delay It

Keeping "Score" in Life doesn't Fix Anything, it is only a "Delay" and is adding another Layer for You to change.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Great Tool

As You progress into Your "Light" You will be able to identify if "Light Energy" is being used or behind everything that crosses your path. 

 This ability allows You to See through the "Phony Good" and the Deceptions Being played out.


Monday, November 9, 2015

Impressing Everyone Else Is a Detour

Your "Light" Is the Only one to Impress in Life.  

The Rewards are Beyond What You know to be True.


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Each Can Only Change Themselves

Some want to Change Others in Life, this " Idea" never ends well so don't Attach yourself to this one.  

If You are already Attached and practicing this "Idea" You Must Change You, ironic isn't it.


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Why In Life You Have "Highs" and "Lows"?

This is one of the Best ways of testing to see if You are coming from your Light with No Conditions or is it Phony and has Many Conditions?  Example:  Your Happiness is the test, are You just as Happy when You have Nothing as when You Had Everything?  

Your Lights Happy never changes, Phony Happy Changes, this will all Show Up in the "Low Moments"


Friday, November 6, 2015

This Takes Patience

When You can Feel the "Quiet or Stillness", you are In your Light. 

 There is Energy or Profoundness In the "Quiet" so be Still to Connect.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Disappointment Can Only Exsist If You Hold On To It

"Disappointment" is an Illusion and a self-imposed form of suffering. 

 This "Idea" does a lot of damage to You And your Light, time to Let Go.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Give It to Yourself

That what You Give to Others is what You came here to Give to Yourself, go Within to find it.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Your Layers in Life

Your Self Imposed Rules that You Attached to Yourself will be Looked at as You Progress into Focusing on You.  What used to Matter will No Longer Matter as You Step Into your Light.

  The rules will drop away, You will be Lighter and more Free to Live.
