Friday, October 30, 2015

Try Not to Ask the "Why" Questions

In Life Your questions get answered and You must Fully Understand All the Answers.  If You Don't an Experience or an Event will come about to give You the Understanding You Lack. 

 So Be Very careful of All the "Why" questions You ask on Your Path.  Example of a "Why" question you might not want to ask is;  Why do people get divorce?


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

You are to Focus on You in All Situations

Remember, things in Life are Not Happening To You, things in Life are Happening For You. 

 All to Expose what You carry Within You, Be it your Light or Dark stuff.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Remember Don't Follow the Money the Money Follows You

Sometimes in Life You will be faced with making a choice and will have Multiple choices in Front of You to achieve a purpose.   This is a "Test" when this crosses Your Path.  The "Test" is to see "How" You make Your choice and/ or "What" makes Your choice for You.  First eliminate these limitations from Your Equation:  1.  What You Fear.    2.  What You think Isn't Possible.    3. Greed or Lack.  4. Others choosing For You.   

Next, Look at the Choices Again without the above and Choose.  The point here is to "Not Let the Limitations" Choose for You and "Let what You Enjoy Doing" make The Choice.


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Things are Evoling Faster

The Evolution process has sped up.  Which means what used to take several steps to achieve is Now Taking Fewer Steps.  

This is Happening to Both Light and Dark Ways of Being.


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Inward Work that Must Be Done

Let Your Light Energies rise, take You Over then Release and Share with Others.  

DON'T Let Dark Energies rise, take You Over or Release and Share with Others.


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Look for This When You Focus Inward

When a Thought comes from Your Light, it's always Very Subtle and is Non Aggressive .  It will seem like a suggestion or Thought You may Not have ever considered.  

If it's delivered Any Other way You can be Sure it's Not Coming From Your Light.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Saturday, October 17, 2015

There is No Need to Relive the Whole Event Just Face the Energy

 To "Face" means; Focus Your Attention on or Look at the Energy that Arises Within You in All Moments.  This will Break the connection to the thoughts or words that goes with it.  

Also this will make the Energy Weaker.  You may have to "Face" them a few times before they are gone so be patient.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Both are Present

There is just as much Light as there is Dark on your journey.  It all depends on You, which one do you seek the most?


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Learn to Feel Again

Master Identifying and Feeling All the Energies within You when they show up.  Next step, take this tool and apply it when You are with others.  Feel their energy when they speak or don't speak this will tell you Instantly what you're dealing with.  

Once You Master this You Will Breeze right through the Darkness untouched.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Many Types of Pains in Life

Pain exists for Us as a Teacher and to get Your Attention. 

Once You Feel the Pain most will Stop the Behavior, some will continue.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Energy is What You are Joining Not the Words

Before attaching yourself to an "Idea" or "Belief", Observe and Feel what Energies are Behind them First.  

This Energy is really what they are about, the Words are the Distraction or the Lure to get You to Join.


Monday, October 12, 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Never Let These Energies Make Your Choices

When You are about to make a choice in Life Check Inward First to Feel and see what Energy is Present.  If it is, Sadness, Guilt, Hatred, Fear, Pity, Anger to name a few Dark ones. 

 It means these Energies are Making the Decision for You and Will Likely Continue until You Face and Change them.  Get Back to Your Calm Space Before You say or do anything.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Strength Comes From Within You and Shows Up in Many Different Ways

For me, my Strength for Change Lies in Understanding, once I Understand, Strength shows up and Change is Easy.  

You Must discover Where your Strength to Change Lies for You, then the lesson will go much faster.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Being Aware Is The Key

In Life You will relive past moments to be given an opportunity to Change the outcome.  If You do Change Your response and/or reaction in this current moment You also Change the past moment.

  To Your Light this is HUGE and for You its Empowering.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Especially Inward Stay Calm and Keep Searching

Society doesn't Tell You the Full story, there are many pieces Missing or Changed.  Most are starting to Understand this and are Searching for the Missing Pieces or Truth. 

 It's when in Life you Stop Searching You need to Pay Attention too. Searching Is a Tool that keeps You Moving On to the next Step in Life.


Monday, October 5, 2015

This Is How You Know

When You Fully Understand a Lesson, You Will Stop Doing It if it is one that is Dark.  If it is one of Light You will Continue and seek More.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

You Will Review All

Just so You Know Everything you Say,Think, Action You Take and All Emotions or Energies used are ALL RECORDED for You to Review.  What You didn't Learn or Change will be repeated until You Do.    

So lying, ignoring and cheating is futile.  This is what is meant by, " You are only Hurting Yourself".


Friday, October 2, 2015

We All Get to Choose

There's Your way, The Darks way or Your Lights way of doing Life.  Most will have a mixture of all the above, some a little heavy in the first two.  Eventually we All go Back to One Way of being, our Light.  

Why? Because we now understand the difference.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Being Neutral Doesn't Mean You Can't Offer Assistance

Not being on One Side or the Other is Being Neutral, this is Your True Nature.  Some advantages of being neutral, You can see and Understand Both sides, also a Solution will be given to You that favors Both.  

Not to mention You have no Emotions or thoughts on either side.
