Monday, August 31, 2015

Don't Relive It Again

When a Negative Emotion or Energy starts to arise within You because of a Current Moment.  Just Know it is Not About the Current Moment it is About a Past Moment when it was all created.  

This Moment is Showing You it's Still There and it's Time to Let Go and Be Free.


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Go Within and Listen

Most will Learn a Correct Response and then can't wait to Repeat It.  Very Few will be Aware enough to Respond from their Light.

 Just Know Both responses are there You just have to Listen.


Friday, August 28, 2015

Follow Your Light

When You start to Reconnect with Your Light You will Have to Let Go of being in Control and  pay attention Inward in order to be guided by your Light.  

 In the beginning You will find most of your time is free to do what ever and very little time is needed by Your Light.  As You Progress this does change and You will Enjoy It.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Just Relax and Remember

Lucid dreams are ones that you can interact in, meaning you can ask questions and you will get the answers.  How do you know if it is a Lucid Dream? 

 It will seem very real like you are there.  You just need to remember you can talk.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Advantages of Observing

Now that You are Observing Yourself there is No Need to send a Messenger to play it out for you, less drama.  

One of the perks when You start paying attention to Yourself.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Stay in Your Peace and Calm Space

Once You start going Inward You will find You are at Peace most of the time.  

What takes You Out of Your Peace is Your Choice, remember it is a Choice.


Monday, August 24, 2015

They Always Start Small

Signs that show you are Moving Out of Gratitude and Becoming Ungrateful.  

When You start; Demanding, Expecting, complaining, No Enjoyment in the Moment and can Only See the Bad.  Being Aware is How You Change.  


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Information is Everywhere

We All Fear the "Loss of someone or something".  

When the truth is everything takes another Form of energy, and can be accessed but we just forgot how, But that's changing we are All Remembering.


Friday, August 21, 2015

Why Follow When You Already Are a Leader

Don't attach yourself to the People giving the Knowledge, the Information is what's Important.

  Take the Information given if it speaks to You and Apply It.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

You Are Never Above Anyone

Remember, You are a Student just as much as You are a Teacher. 

 If You forget, Life will send someone in to remind You how much You Don't Know.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Times Up

We are Infinite Beings understanding Limited ways of Being. There is an End to it All and the time is Now.  

If Life is giving You an Opportunity, Take It and Don't Look Back.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

They Must Want It

You can Not Give a "Quality" to someone in Life They must Give it to Themselves.  All You can do is Teach or show them the "Quality", the rest is up to Them. 

 An example of a "Quality"; Trust or Wisdom.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Don't Resist Go With the Flow

Societies Life Plan is a House of Cards.  At some point You will see how Fragile it is on your Path.  Stay Calm as best as You can, there is a Reason for the situation You are being faced with. 

 Changes are needed in Your Life going forward so Go with the Flow and Don't Resist, Make the Changes.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Understand the Difference

"True" and "Truth" are Not the Same.  "True", is when You attach yourself to an Idea or Belief then You will make it Become True.   

"Truth", is being able to See Through the Illusions that are in Front of You, now You are your Light.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

One Method to Get Control

Some feelings start in the Stomach area then will rise to your head if you let them. Once it gets to the head it has control over you and wants to be released.

  To stop it from rising up, focus Inward as soon as You can and it will stop, now you are in control.  Each time You do this it gets weaker and will eventually be gone.


Friday, August 14, 2015

If No Changes are made Pain and Suffering will continue

We each have a Theme we are working on.  Events will continue to show up on Your Path until You Make Peace With Them and they have No Power Over You.  

The steps of Change may be small but nonetheless it's a step towards Freedom of Pain and Suffering.  No matter what, Keep Changing.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

More Cleaning

Why some will go through the "Void"?  It's your Lights way of Cleaning House.  There are Things that You are still Attached to and need to Let Go Of. 

 Once this is Done it Opens the Path for Your Light to come through and Reconnect.


Allow All to Come Up

The "Void" is a Transitional Phase You will pass through going from the Outside way of Being to your Lights way of Being.  

The duration depends on how well you process each item that rises from within.   Patience and the Will to Continue is the Key. 


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Doorway is Inward

Your Light Does Exist and to Think otherwise is a Loss and a Tragedy beyond measure.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Be Selective

Look to see Where an "Idea" or "Belief" will Lead You Before You choose to follow and Attach yourself to it.  

Any signs of Darkness Don't Follow.


Sunday, August 9, 2015

There are Different types of Schools

What are You well educated in, knowledge from Societies Schools or The School of Life?  Societies Schools will evolve the outside.  The School of Life will evolve Your Light. 

 You can choose either, just make sure You make the choice and Not Others.


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Don't Follow just One group or One-way of Being.  Explore and Try Other Methods and ways of Being on Your Journey. 

 Remember, Be Adventurous You may be surprised at what's waiting for You.


Friday, August 7, 2015

Look for This

"The Journey is More Important than the Goal".  Which means, How You Achieved it and What Methods You Used to Get the Goal is what is Important.  

Are they Dark or Light Methods every step of the way?


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Practice, Practice, Practice!

"To Free Your Mind", translation, No Thoughts or Emotions on the Inside, then information can flow to You.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

It's Easier to Change the Little Things

Changing the Big Things in your Life are obvious but the Little Things in Life are even more Important.  

Why?  Because they Will Evolve to the Bigger Things and the Bigger they are the Harder it is to 


Monday, August 3, 2015

Why? Because they are no longer needed

When You Stop a Habit the Events will stop that go with the Habit.

  However, You will be tested to see if You are really Free or if it still has Power over You.


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Look Inward Until You Find It

You can be Self Sustained on the Outside the next step is to be Self Sustained on the Inside,You have to reconnect with Your Light to make this happen.
