Saturday, May 30, 2015

Full View

Outward is just a partial view you must include the Inward to have the Full Picture.


Friday, May 29, 2015

Acceptance is a Feeling Not an Idea

Acceptance to Your Light Is:  A Feeling of Peace, Confidence and Stability that comes from Within.  When You are in this Space, Life situations are Easier to Handle and Solutions flow.  

Now that You are Aware Look Inward for this Energy.


Need to be Open

When one way of Being no longer Serves You Another way will Always Present its self to You.  

Being Open is Key when You are Moving on to All the Steps that will come on your Path.


Thursday, May 28, 2015

We can Stop This

The Idea of "Credit" is a way for Greed to Have No Limits on Prices, leaving You with Nothing and in never ending Debts.  

We can Stop this if We stand as One.


Highs are Easy the Lows are More Challenging

What ever your Topic in Life is to Learn, just remember, You Must Master Both the High and the Low sides of the Topic.


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Your Body isn't as Hungry as You Think

Try asking your Body what it wants to eat instead of your Taste Buds or habits making your choices for you.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Pass or Fail

You are to show and share to the world, You.  Don't hold back, stand tall and walk with confidence.  

Others may have things to say to tear you down, don't be tempted for that is the test. Did you Pass or Fail in that Moment?


Monday, May 25, 2015

Get Past the Drama

Don't Dwell on what got You to this situation, instead Look at what You need to See and Learn while You are in this situation.



At some point on your Journey You will Arrive at the Understanding that Saying and Doing Hurtful things in All areas of Life are Not OK.  Those of you that already understand this continue. 

 Those of you who have yet to Arrive Listen to the ones already there and Move Towards this Understanding.


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Saturday, May 23, 2015

It's Everywhere

Greed has No Borders and has its Hands in Everything also has Many Names.  When it comes for You it Will Leave You with Nothing and continue to Prey on You to the End.  

Compassion is Our Way Out.


Friday, May 22, 2015

Change Your View Point

Changing How You Look at things will also change How You Feel about things.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

It Will Spread

What inequality that is happening to Any group of Beings and goes Uncorrected will Spread to All, that is the Goal and to think otherwise is an Illusion.


It's Showing You Something

There is good in every situation we're just not taught to find it.  

Sometimes you won't figure it out until some time passes, but there was a point to the Chaos.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Share and Empower

We are to Share this Life with Others Not to Take From Others.  

Which means, We Don't Take Anyone's Joy, Happiness, Love From them We Share and empower these with them.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Must Be Equal to Be Truth

What People Say and Do sometimes Differ.  To have the Same Meaning they Both Must be Equal.  

Watch for this on your path, the Truth Lies in the Action should they Both Differ.


Where We are Headed

Life as we know it is Changing to: "Letting Go" and "Downsizing", is the Direction we are going.  

If You have already started continue, those who have not then things will come about to help you.


Monday, May 18, 2015

Having Less is More

Those who Have Less, Already Have More.  Those who Have More, are always Seeking or Wanting, But Never Having, More.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

It's a Never Ending Dark Path

As long as we continue to make things matter in Life, conflict will always follow.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

You Get It

Your Light says, there are no Mistakes in Life.  It just means You Now Understand.


Friday, May 15, 2015

A Thought to Consider

The More Material Things You Have the idea of "Taking from You" can be used against You.  When You have Nothing this idea does not apply.


These Methods Don't Work

"Avoiding" and "Running Away" from Life's Lessons is Futile in the game of Life.  Better to Face Now and Move on to the next step.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Just a Heads Up

All the work you do on the Outside of you means nothing if No Work is done on the Inside of you.


Be Calm in these Moments

Both "Letting Go Of" and "Taken from You" of some sort Will Be Experienced on your Path.

  Each You Must Be the Master Of, Not Them Mastering You.


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

One in the Same

Wanting to See or Needing Results Before you can believe is the Same as Having Expectations.  

They Both lead to disappointment.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Change Process

Steps Towards Change:
(1)  Not Open to Any Different Idea
(2)  Now Open to Different Ideas but Fear and Uncertainty shows up and Holds You Back.
(3)  The Talk Step, You Like the new Ideas so You Talk and Talk, but can't go to the next step.
(4)  Action Step, You finally Walk the Talk.

All these Steps Equal Change in Your Life.  Because We Didn't Know these Steps it took us Many Lifetimes to make Any Changes.  Now that You are Aware You can process the steps towards Change faster, just Don't get Stuck on Any Step.


Saturday, May 9, 2015


The Idea; Right and Wrong will evolve to confrontation and Violence of many forms.  

There is No Good Ending when this "Idea" is practiced.


We All Don't See the Same Thing

What You See and what Others See are Not the Same until you Both agree even then they will Differ.  

Each won't know exactly what each other Sees until the next step of Oneness.


Friday, May 8, 2015

Process and Delete

Your mind is your hard drive, so we process information, file and save it.  Process and save means you will relive this same moment in the future over and over.  

Your light wants you to process the emotions, thoughts and experiences then delete.  Process and delete means every moment in the future will be different and you will have new experiences.


All Relationships

You must Look at All your Relationships in Life Not just the ones with people.  Such as, what kind of Relationship you have with;  food, money, yourself, nature, animals, words, to name a few.  

What ever the topic that Troubles You, You must make peace with.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Whole Again

We started as a Whole then an "Idea to Divide and Separate Us" was introduced and Allowed.  

Which then Opened the Door to Many More Layers of Separation and brought Us to where We are today a World Divided on so many levels.  We Must Stop Allowing and Using this "Idea" to Become Whole again.


It Begins Inward

Most are so Busy on the Outside, they Miss what's going on Inside.

  Inward is where it all begins and is created, Outward is just the results.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Equal Value

We are to Value All not Devalue by Any Method and Accept it as so.  To say one Job or being is More Valued then Another is a Devalued System.  

Equal Value is the path of Light.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Begin Again

Some may lose everything to be able to see clearly and begin again.


Change not Want

Most Live to Want, Not Many Live to Change.  Change is on your Lights To Do List.


Monday, May 4, 2015

Find it Inward

If you want the Feelings of Love, Joy and Happiness Go Inward Not Outward to find it.


Tactics Used

Anyone who uses Manipulation of Any Kind as a Tactic is Not Working for the Greater Good, but instead Working for a Few or Self Serving and Are Not to Be Trusted or Be in a Position of Power.  

You may encounter this Behavior on your Path so Beware.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Becomes Real

Things were Not a Problem till someone Told You It Was and Now You Make It So.


Different Levels Different Views

What was important when you have everything is no longer important when you have nothing.


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Give To All

Kindness and Compassion are Gifts that keep on Giving, so Be Generous!


The Work that Must Be Done

The thought," What you don't want to face you must face".  Translation, ALL Traumas and Anything Negative that You carry on Your Journey You Must Face and Make Peace With.  There are No Exceptions. 

Even if You say you won't, that doesn't work it keeps showing up.  Why you have to?  They All Hold You Back and You can't move on to the next step till its done.


You're the Ambassador

Remember, You are a Spark from your Light and the Ambassador to this Space and Time.

  The question here is, Are You representing your Light or the Dark in Every Moment for ALL Beings, or just Sometimes and only Some?


Friday, May 1, 2015

Manipulation is a Disease

Example, the new word for "Tax Increase" is "Fees".  The words are Different but the Idea Is The Same.  One phrase is Not Accepted the other Is Now Accepted.  A form of Manipulation? 

 Indeed!  Always Look at the End Result to know the Truth of what just took place.


Walk this Path

If Your view point for solutions in Life are, "Everybody Wins", You Walk the path of Light.


Powerful Moments

The Morning Sunrise and the Evening Sunset are Very Powerful energy moments.  

Try to be there for these Time Frames and just Be.
