Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Difficult Path

If your Path seems Intense and Difficult, it's because you wanted to Learn the Lesson this Time Around and make the Changes.


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You're the Lottery Ticket

Remember you're the Wealth, your Imagination and Creativity are Invaluable.  Letting them go is like losing the winning Lottery Ticket.


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Monday, March 30, 2015

See what your Light can Do

Eliminate the middle man and your Light can bring everything to you.


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If someone hurts you and then your action hurts them back, your Light says the behaviors are one in the same.  Dark behavior is Dark no matter what side you Sling it from.  Everyone will suffer.


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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Start to Change

You may Loose some battles with yourself when you start changing your way of being.  This is to be expected but don't let the battles defeat you.


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When you can stay in your Peace and Calm space no matter what the circumstances, you are your Light and have mastered thoughts and emotions.


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Dim Light

Your Light Dims every time you give up a part of you that is Good.  To get Brighter you have to bring back what you gave up.


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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Self Discovery

The first step in discovery is: You notice other people's words and actions
Next step: Denial that you do any of this
Next step:  You look at yourself and realize you have similar words, actions and more
Next step:  You change

The Key here is not to get stuck on any of the steps.


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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Unattached is Easier

Remember we're just passing through, everything you see and have are only for a moment, so being unattached is the way to be.  Don't Attach yourself and let them Become You.


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You and Yours

You are not suppose to Blend in and Be Like Others.  You and your Light are intended to Stand Out.  

Then together share your wisdom and Talent for others to see the Beauty and Perfection that you bring to Be.


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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Glue

What do you hold on to when you have nothing left in Life on the outside?  For uS, it's each other and an Inward Feeling unlike any other. 

 When you are living Moment by Moment, this is the Glue that keeps things together.


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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Let Them be Them

There is no Right or Wrong there just Is.  Which means, there are many ways of doing the same things in Life. 

One way vs Another, don't make it matter, let Them be Them.


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Being Independent means you are in control of you.  Being Dependent means Others are in control of you.  Only one of these is free.


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Monday, March 23, 2015

Speed of Light

To your Light, Any Limitations and Lower energies is Kryptonite.  Higher energies and the present moment are needed to keep up with your light.


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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Let the Words pass through

How do you let the Words pass through you?  Listen to a foreign language that you don't know and feel the Words pass through.  Also notice there are no thoughts or emotions.  

Now you can use this same experience with the language you do know.


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What you give Life to

Words are only Words until you give them Life and Meaning, then the experiences begin.  Once you're hooked they will control you.

When you're done, most will work in reverse order of the above equation ending with the Words just being Words again.  Now you're free.


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Saturday, March 21, 2015

There is a Purpose

Along your journey you will acquire some tools that will be needed for another point in time.  Everything you are doing in life is leading to something. 

 Pay attention for when that moment shows up then you will need the tools you gathered.


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Friday, March 20, 2015

Full Circle

Your Light says Full Circle means everything you start in Life you must complete and make peace with along your path.


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Every time you miss an opportunity to change the next opportunity will be more Intense on Purpose to get your attention. 

 It's best to start making the changes now instead of later.


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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Life Stage

The stage has been set to give you an experience, one of which to master.  It will Repeat until you are in control of you and not the experience. 

 If you're not sure what the topic is look back at your history for what repeats.


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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Turn your Light Up

Your Light is your Beauty Turn it Up and everybody will want what you have.


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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Be the Change

You are expecting changes but if you don't Become the changes nothing will change.


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Monday, March 16, 2015

Moving On

Turn the page on what was and move on to what's in front of you.


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From one Light to Another

 My Light is the battery.  The words here are the jumper cables to spark your Light, to bring you back on track to where you should be and live the Life you were intended.


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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Gifts Waiting

You may not be perfect in this moment but do the Inside work and you will be.


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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Moments you Allow yourself to be Free

Following what you enjoy in Life is one of the few moments you ALLOW yourself to connect to your Light without resistance or limitations. 

 That's why you hold onto these moments the most and is also why you should continue.


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Friday, March 13, 2015

Because you're not a Taker

Do Life as if You Have It, not as I Want It.


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Thursday, March 12, 2015


To us Surrender means to give up, to your Light it means to let go.  Your Lights example, Surrender your control and expectations in Life, and let the Light show you how magical Life should be.  


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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Come Together

The Light brings Us Together and when we stand as One, there is no Darkness that can survive.


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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Finding you

The Darks greatest fear is you will find your Light.


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Monday, March 9, 2015


The Darkness Separates us and defeats us one at a time.


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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Inner Layers

The more you peel back the inner layers you will reconnect to your Light and will feel a positive energy.  Try to hold on as long as you can.  

What happens next is your experience and yours alone.

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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Believe or Not Believe?

When you follow your Dreams, be ready to be tested a lot.  Doubt, Fear, Worry and people saying No will all show up.  You will be worn down to your lowest point.  This is the greatest test moment.  

All on purpose to see do you really Believe in Yourself or do you Give Up and go Back?  Always choose to Believe in You at All test points.  Once your Light knows you are on board, then watch the Magic happen.

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Friday, March 6, 2015


Your Light says success is, "Shining your Light in every moment everyday" and Everyone can Achieve this. 

 Everything else is an Illusion for success and only A Few can Achieve it.

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Thursday, March 5, 2015

It's Time

It's time to let go of who you Think you are and become who you Know you are.


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Changing back to Light

The Dark path offers you pain and suffering.  The more you practice it the bigger it gets and it will take everything from you.  The Light path offers you Heaven on Earth and never stops giving.  

The choice here isn't hard, changing from Dark to Light is the challenge.

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Steps in Life

Each step you take in Life prepares you for the next step.  Every step is only for a moment until the next one is shown to you.

  Never Hesitate taking the next opportunity to change.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Deeper Connection

In order to solve certain situations in Life that are so Dark, you will need to come from a much Wiser and Deeper energy.  

The Mind or Ego is too shallow too handle an event of this nature.

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What you see is You

Life is always showing you, You.  Such as a behavior, habit or belief.  You may observe it from others or participate in it.  Either way it comes to you it's something you do.  

Everything Dark you change, everything Light you keep.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Your focus is your attention.  If you want to know what intense focus feels like, then reverse the hand you write with.  

This kind of focus is needed for when you create.

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Monday, March 2, 2015

Get the Idea

Look for where we agree and not where we disagree.  The Idea is what is important.

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What you send out

The Energy you send out is what's important.  Dark energy is a lower energy and it Drains you.  Light energy is a higher energy and it Empowers you.  

Just know that your Light will only co-create with you when it's positive.


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Sunday, March 1, 2015


What is Autopilot?  It's words with no energy behind them.  Such as, sometimes when people say Thank You.  How do you change this habit?  

Focus and be there for the words, put your Light Energy behind them and the energy will return to you.  Autopilot is another habit that has to go.

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